TOMORROW! DoubleTree Westboro! New England Dental Society 160th Annual Meeting DAY 2 with Oral Path & Smoking Cessation (Six CE)

By New England Dental Society (other events)

Sat, Nov 4 2023 8:00 AM EST Sun, Nov 5 2023 4:00 PM EST

160th Annual Meeting and Continuing Education Spectacular

2023 Program Schedule

Saturday, November 4, 2023

7:30 - Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:15 - Welcome & Introductions

8:30 - Lecture 1 - Dr. Richard Harold's "Dental Pain Management" (approved by BORID for MA licensure renewal)

In this course, attendees will learn the scope and responsibilities of prescription writing privileges as it applies to the practice of dentistry. The history of pain management and dentistry's responsibility in combating the prescription drug epidemic will be discussed. Pharmacologic pain management options available to dentists will be reviewed including opioids and non-opioids including principles of oral dosing regimens and side effects, contraindications and clinically significant drug-drug interactions. Basic pain physiology will be reviewed as well as the mechanisms of action of commonly prescribed analgesics. The dentist’s responsibility in combating drug diversion will be presented including how to identify drug seeking patients.

After this course attendees will be able to:

Review analgesic prescribing guidelines in connection with the effective management of acute dental pain; Understand the origin of the prescription opioid epidemic and dentistry’s role in combating substance abuse; Determine the risks of substance abuse and addiction associated with opioid analgesics; Identify and counsel patients at risk for substance abuse; Discuss how to counsel patients about the side effects, security, addictive nature and proper storage and disposal of controlled substances; Explain the legal and ethical issues of prescribing appropriate quantities of controlled substances; and Identify the basic pharmacology and side effects of opioid and non-opioid analgesics

10:30 - Sponsor Showcase

10:40 - Lecture  2 - Robert Mopper's "3 P’s of Composite: Potential, Predictability and Profitability"

11:40 - Business Meeting


1:00 - Lecture  2 continues - Robert Mopper's "3 P’s of Composite: Potential, Predictability and Profitability"

Description:  For many years dentistry has been searching for that magic wand that will create instant esthetic results. The terms “universal” or “chameleon” have been used to sell the dentist on the concept that less is better and one size fits all.

As a pioneer company of composite bonding, Cosmeddent has never seen it that way. That is why Cosmedent’s Renamel Restorative System of materials, shades, and handling properties is ideal for what the cosmetic dentist of today wants. Through a systematic approach, the Mopper Concept makes bonding simple for any dentist.

When you are busier in your practice, you are happier! Learn all of the dentistry that you are not currently doing in your practice and how doing more of it can benefit you financially and professionally by adding more value to your practice.

Objectives:  Use materials available today to their best advantage. These include Microfill, Nanofill, and Microhybrid materials. Find out where each fit into the layering technique. Change the color of a single dark tooth to match existing dentition with composite veneering thru step-by-step sequencing. Learn to contour, characterize, and finish final restorations to make them believable. Close diastemas. Achieve perfect line angles and perfect embrasures. Learn how the subtle application of opaquers can mask metal or unwanted color to create invisible restorations. Use tints to augment your restorations or impart translucency. Proven techniques for Class III, IV, and V restorations. Inter-sculpt incisal translucency. Properly polish restorations to acquire a long-lasting, easily maintainable enamel-like luster. Accurately diagnose esthetic needs. Learn a philosophy of practice and communication that allows the patient to understand and easily accept proposed treatment plans.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

7:30 - Continental Breakfast

8:15 - Introduction and NEDS Annual Business Meeting 

8:30 - Mini Lecture 1 -  Dr. Easwar Natarajan's The Pathogenesis of Oral Cancer (and risk factors) – explaining the biological origin and whys of oral precancer? Also compare and contrast between oral and oropharyngeal cancer biology (tobacco vs. HPV)

9:30 - Sponsor Showcase

9:40 - Mini Lecture 2  - Dr. Easwar Natarajan's Clinical Presentation of Oral Precancerous Lesions (things that dentists and hygienists should look for)

10:40 - Sponsor Showcase

10:50 - Mini Lecture 3  -  Dr. Easwar Natarajan's Evidence-Based Management Guidelines for Patients Diagnosed with Oral Pre-Cancer (how can a dentist contribute to the continued care and monitoring of patients diagnosed with oral precancer)


1:00 - Lecture 3 - Dr. Nevin Zablotsky's Tobacco and Nicotine Products Can Cause a Deadly Addiction: “What you can do to help patients break that addiction.”

This program will review how tobacco and nicotine products addict and harm their users.
There will be a discussion of the addiction process and its impact on the brain. We will review
the latest methods of achieving smoking and nicotine cessation, which will include a
pharmaceutical approach and/or counseling. It will also show how motivated interviewing
can help guide patients to resources that can help them cease using these products. The use
of role playing scripts will recreate real life scenarios and show dental professionals how to
communicate with nicotine addicted patient populations to help break their addiction, a truly
gratifying experience.
• Learn how tobacco and nicotine products have and continue to evolve
• Understand the basics of addiction, as well as the specifics related to nicotine and
tobacco use
• Know what smoking cessation modalities are currently available and effective
• Learn motivational interviewing skills
• Know how to organize the dental team to work with addicted patients
• Learn when and where to refer patients for help
• Make working with tobacco addicted patients one of the most gratifying experiences of
one's dental professional career

From the Executive Board of the New England Dental Society

We sincerely hope that you will consider becoming a member of the oldest dental society in continuous existence in the United States. We are here for one simple reason... to offer the highest quality continuing dental education at a reasonable cost to our members. Our yearly membership dues entitles members to attend our Annual Meeting at no extra charge! The two day program offers 13 credits of great continuing education.